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Our Mission
Christian Education

Welcome, and thank you for visiting Canton Presbyterian Church online.

Our church is located on Main Street on the block between Newfound Street and N. Main Street, directly across from Evergreen Mill. (Please note: GPS is sometimes unreliable due to Canton's quirky roads and our town changing our street address in 2021. You may need to search for 190 Main Street, Canton.)

732 Main Street

Canton, NC 28716

(828) 648-2833

People have told us that our church is unusual.

We don’t all agree on everything, except for the one important thing: following Jesus. This brings us together in a brave space that is unlike anything else out there.

Our beliefs, understanding of scripture, and leadership lead us to anti-racism work and LGBTQIA+ advocacy. At the same time, our membership is full of people across the political spectrum.

In our differences, we value human diversity and rights. Our differences create deep friendships, open curiosity, intellectual growth, the right amount of challenge, and contagious joy.

In our church, it’s not acceptable to bad-mouth people because they vote differently. We don’t do that here. We don’t hate people for their opinions.

Here’s what we do: we eat well. We look out for each other. We welcome strangers in a way that lets them know they are at home. We work together to care for the least of these in our community. We laugh a lot.

We are bonded by our love of music, art, and storytelling, based on our mountain heritage.
Our culture is divided.

Our church is not.

We follow Jesus.


Our adult Faith Development class meets in person at the church and on Zoom. If you would like to join the Zoom call, please email and we will send it to you. 

Our community worships together on Sundays at 11 am. Services are streamed via Facebook, and our service bulletins are available here.  


We are following CDC recommendations to slow the spread of COVID-19 and keep our immunocompromised neighbors healthy.

Any changes to these plans will be announced on our Facebook page. Please check there for different ways to connect.

© Copyright Uniting Church Arizona. all rights preserved.

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